Lockdown Birdwatching

I have completed a move from Taiwan back to the US.  I settled in Tucson, Arizona.  The desert is quite a bit different an environment, bur fortunately the wildlife is diverse and interesting.  When I moved I had to stay in my yard for a time so I photographed birds at home.

White-winged Dove - Zenaida asiatica
Shutter Speed: 1/1000 sec.  f/8  ISO: 200  400 mm

Gila Woodpecker - Melanerpes uropygialis
Shutter Speed: 1/1000 sec.  f/6.3  ISO: 1250  265 mm

Shutter Speed: 1/1000 sec.  f/6.3  ISO: 320  400 mm

Anna's Hummingbird - Calypte anna
Shutter Speed: 1/100 sec. f/7.1  ISO: 3200  400 mm


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